Hearing Evaluation, Rehabilitation and Treatment
The first step on the path to comfortable and accurate hearing is to have it tested. Our methods are in step with the latest research and available technology, making the road from hearing loss to assistance an easy one.
Testing your hearing will be a painless and brief process with our skilled audiologists ready to guide you. You will be surprised by the ease and accuracy of our tests, opening you up to a world of possibility with assistive technology.
At Advanced Hearing & Balance Center, we have set up a relaxed and safe environment to ensure your evaluation is thorough and pain-free. We will determine if you have a hearing loss, the degree and type of hearing loss, and provide an accurate diagnosis. Once all testing is complete, we will explain the results, make recommendations, and determine the best treatment solution together.
We take you through three steps to ensure you get the best possible treatment; a comprehensive audiological evaluation, a discovery and interview, and a follow-up discussion.
Your first meeting with our provider
Our recommendation for treatment depends on the hearing test results and your answers to the interview questions. If you can benefit from wearing hearing aids, we will discuss the best treatment options for you.
We take a number of factors into consideration when we advise on treatment hearing loss:
We begin with examining your ears (a non-invasive otoscopy exam) to see if there are signs of any obstructions, such as wax or an ear infection, which could cause some of the hearing loss. We will also be conducting an interview, when we will ask you about the difficulties and experiences you have with hearing.
Our recommendation for treatment depends on the voice test results and your answers to the interview questions. If you will be able to benefit from wearing hearing aids, we will discuss the best treatment options for you.
During the evaluation, an audiologist will ask you to wear a set of headphones or ear inserts. We will give a familiar voice test, then ask you to press a button in response to a series of tones. This helps us to define the extent of your hearing loss.
Any child with delayed speech development, learning disabilities or problems with speech should have a hearing test by an audiologist.
Newborns in the U.S. have their first hearing test in the hospital before they even come home.
Toddlers should have a pass/fail hearing screening by the pediatrician at the age of 2 or 3 years old.
Young children should have an additional hearing screening before they start kindergarten.
School-age children should receive a hearing screening at school or by their pediatrician as part of an annual check-up.
Adults should have their hearing screened at least once every 3 to 5 years as part of your annual physical. More frequent screenings are necessary if there is job exposure to noise (construction, factories, manufacturing, bars), noisy hobbies (working with power tools, ATV riding, shooting guns), or use of ototoxic drugs. Even if protective devices are worn at work, hearing should be checked annually. Musicians should also have annual hearing screenings up to age 50.
At age 50, everyone should have a complete hearing exam. The incidence of hearing loss increases with age and unfortunately, many people live with hearing loss for 5+ years before it is detected. Hearing loss is so gradual, you may not realize it is happening to you.
After the age of 50, having a hearing screening every year and a complete hearing test every 3 years. If family or friends are difficult to understand when they speak or complain that you listen to the TV or radio too loudly, get a hearing test right away.
If you have been diagnosed with a hearing loss, whether you wear hearing aids or not, having a hearing exam once every year to monitor the progression in hearing changes is important in early identification of deterioration in hearing ability, update hearing prescription, and to prevent long-term negative effects. Noise-induced hearing loss is gradual, so you may not know your hearing is declining. If you notice a change in hearing sooner or sudden hearing loss, a hearing exam should be scheduled immediately.
Where do you go for follow-up care once you've failed an industrial hearing test?
It’s a great when an employer provides their work force with a baseline-hearing test. This can be so important, not only for identifying anyone who might already be suffering from a hearing loss and side-effects of untreated hearing loss, but to also have this in your medical file in case you ever experience any type of injury, illness or accident that might effect your hearing. This gives doctors the ability to gauge how much of an impact the injury, illness or accident has had on your hearing and can also provide the patient with financial help from their insurance company to obtain the appropriate treatment.
If you were told you either failed the hearing test or were diagnosed with a hearing loss, bring your audiogram (hearing test results) and report to us and we can develop a customized treatment plan to meet your specific lifestyle demands and hearing needs.
Due to the growing causes of hearing loss and exposure to loud sounds, we recommend ALL people get a baseline test and anyone who has a hearing loss should receive a hearing test once per year to monitor any changes in hearing.
This service and others are available in our Plano and Grapevine clinics.