Custom Hearing Protection
Though musicians most commonly utilize custom hearing protection, they are not alone in the need for preventative auditory health care. Those who work under noisy conditions may also benefit from the high quality and comfort of custom fitted hearing protection. Molded precisely to the outer ear, these devices can be the perfect way to preserve your current hearing level well into the future, despite exposure to risky sounds.
Prolonged noise can damage your hearing. The louder the sound, the shorter the safe exposure time. The following information should only be used as a guide to determine hazardous noise.
Normal conversation occurs on average at 60 dB. Noise exposure equal to or exceeding an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) sound level of 85 dB is potentially damaging. Gradual hearing loss may occur after prolonged exposure to 90 dB or above. Exposure to 100 dB for more than 15 minutes or 110 dB for more than a minute, can cause permanent hearing loss. Any exposure in excess of 115 dB may pose a serious health risk.
Recommended Baseline Test: A baseline-hearing exam is recommended for everyone, no matter symptoms, age or medical history. Accidents, injuries and unexpected medical conditions can occur at any time in life and having an audiogram on file helps medical professionals to determine any damage that may be a result of the accidental injury or medical condition.
Recommended Annual Ear Exam: It is recommended for patients who have previously been diagnosed with hearing loss, to have their hearing tested every 12-months by an audiologist to identify, monitor and track progression of hearing.
Recreational and occupational noises at excessive levels can cause permanent hearing loss. Wear hearing protection when you will be exposed to loud noises to prevent hearing loss.
This service and others are available in our Plano and Grapevine clinics.