Hearing Aid Repair
Depending on the care and maintenance, hearing aids expect to last around 3+ years on average. If the hearing aid becomes damaged or begins to work improperly due to debris, moisture, or contact issues, we work hard to in house inspect, troubleshoot and repair small part replacements for a normal fee, as well as earmold modifications, as needed.
This can also be useful when a hearing aid repair is needed the same day for travel, work, or important social gatherings. If we are unable to repair or replace a needed part, we can sit it out to be fixed, if possible. In any case, we always look to the manufacturer warranty first to provide our patients with the best possible solution.
Like many other electronic devices, excess moisture from sweat, rain and other elements can stop hearing aids from working properly over time. In fact, more than 60% of out-of-warranty hearing aid repairs are said to be caused by moisture damage. Once moisture damage has occurred, the hearing aids may get weak, distorted or fail to turn on altogether.
There have been some manufacturing innovations that have helped, like nano-coating and better case sealing, but moisture still impacts the function of a large number of hearing aids. That is why we use Redux commercial-grade hearing aid driers at Advanced Hearing & Balance.
The Redux dryer removes air pressure from your hearing aids through a patented vacuum system, which ensures that any remaining moisture will evaporate during the procedure. Redux is a safe, effective and proven solution to keep your hearing aids functioning better as they age.
Want to learn more about the Redux hearing aid drying system or have questions about the process? Contact us to schedule an appointment with the hearing care professionals at Advanced Hearing & Balance.
This service and others are available in our Plano and Grapevine clinics.